In ancient times, war is the one of the factors that affects urbanization. Empires built their structures with rocks to make them resistant and safe. They regard to design defensive structures rather than considering more social living areas. Today’s Turkey was placed in rocky landscape in those days. In this part of article mentioned the ısland of Crete actually it has a peaceful society and women have big roles in the religion and government. In those days there is no direct circulation so this composition occurred labyrinths. In my opinion indirect roads and complicated city plan may be one of the precautions which has been taken against the enemies especially coming from the sea. Briefly war threat obviously affected the architectural design perception in those days for example colossal status, hypostyle halls and longitudes immense pylons.

Turkey, Greece and Crete have lots of similar religious figures and qualities. They also used the religious perception in their architecture. We see the first urban lifestyle in Crete and Gournia in those times. Temple of Crete consists of bull central court, entrance, rooms, walls and theatral area. In bull central court there is no transition directly to the labyrinth, stairs and balconies placed front of the court to prevent the symmetry. This bull court is a perfect rectangle and this rectangular shape is also the same in other temples too. greece-vector-map-7952506

There is a U shape in the entrance of the temple so it guides you easily. While creating this part they took references from the labyrinth. There are lots of entrances but almost none of these entrances have a connection with the court.

They designed thick, massive walls in order to use it as a defensive shield besides they did not use any Windows into this walls to serve for the same purpose.

The labyrinth of Knoss rises 4 times with rooms more than 1000. Directions have different meanings for them for example North is for workshop and bakeries, South is for homes etc. Finally in the theatral area there is again a thick Wall but this time it is a precaution for natural disaster, it is gathering space before visiting inner area of temple and also it has a L shape design. Another interesting and important usage is light condition. They used light to give openness sense and freshness to the top floor rooms.

Mycenae: Cyclopean walls and Megaron palaces; Minoan gave way to Mycenaen conqueror. But Architectural approach is never changed it is not totally different. Designers created predominantly lithic, solid and hierarchical structures based on military. Another information from those times is that Myceneon houses do not have Windows which connects you to the nature. In those times masons used metal tools for heavy wooden Gates.

Previously I mentioned the landscapes of the territories, during the 13th century Mycena collapsed because of drought, climate change and uprisings etc. According to these information’s I can easily say that nature protects and destroys people because landscapes also forms served as defense during this period.

They designed tunnel to supply clear water and they combined the walls curved with using corbel technique.

King/Queen: Hatshepsut

She ruled Egypt for 21 years, she emerged as the most intriguing and artistically influential patron of Karnak. She sponsored numerous temples and monuments including the shrine of Amon-Ra at Karnak. Senenmut was her chief architect and at those times people called him as greatest of the great. Senenmut made lots of great Works for his queen. His architecture directly related with the managing power of the Hatshepsut but after her death, her successors destroyed and erased the signs of her patronage at Karnak due to the oppositions of masculine authority. Although there were traces of powerful queens in ancient cultures, she is the first historically documented women ruler. She used architecture and religion to bolster her rule. Another important structure of those times has been made by her father’s architect Inenmy. Inenmy design pylon gateways, although from the central axis, the hall would have appeared symmetrical but the number of the columns and their placement different in North and south axis.


Hastshepsut changed the concept of the White chapel which is constructed around 1920 BCE  to red chapel. With changing it to narrow hall, open ends and rectangular chambers. In ancient Egypt Axis have important meaning for their people because it was their tradition. Hierarchical symbols and the figures were different for example In Amon-Ra temple east-west axe represents cosmic time placed and named with the condition of the sun in that hour.  After Hatshepsut’s death her stepson Thutmose started to destroy her monuments and erased her name in public.

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