What is the way to influence people in total? Victories on battle field or distributing justice? For the king of Persia Zargon the way to succeed this is build massive buildings.In his period Persian Architects build big palace and ziggurat which have the design of asymmetric entrance to prevent direct transition through inside.

There are narrow and long rooms made of unbaked mudbrick and to give the sense of this directional sense and there is no column use in this structure to support this idea. It is also possible to see the drainage system. Another quality of this space is that the daylight comes from courtyard and reaches through the palace.  When the King Sargon dies his son left the city and chose another capital for the persians ‘Nineveh’. But in this period Persians are getting away from their old glory days according to these situations Sargon the second takes back the throne and sets a new capital called ‘City of Sargon’. The palace of the city of Sargon is similar to the pharaoh palaces in Egypt from the aspects of the scale and the monuments like Sargons. It is not easy to tell the size of this city. The walls of the city is long enough to surround the city of Ur 4 times and Hattusha 2 times. It is crucial to give information about the city of Persia, the city of Dur-Sharrukin, this is the first city after Egypt which use the city plan and orthogonal sense of city designing. This is not the only effects of persians on the architecture, in Aegean the Athens made monuments like Parthenon temple to show the spraying Persians with the war.Athens used the wealth that they gain after the war against Persia for infrastructure too.
When Persia conquered the west Asia, this region was already a region that had been dominated by different cultures for years that’s why there was developed cities with city gates and beautiful streets. In Persian period they tried to spread Hellenistic perception in all around the region. palace_of_king_sargon

The cultural diversity of the empire (Persia); Assyrian monster figures, Greek lonic volute and Egyptian cornices are the examples of this. Persian Ziggurats are the longest buildings in the world. They made Esagila Temple, it is dedicated to god Mardak. It stood across the professional way to the south directly on axis with stairs of Entemenonki. For the ritual importance they set in smaller enclosure. In this period palace of Nebuchadnezzar is 3 times bigger than the Sargon’s palace and longer than the most cities. Nebuchadnezzar is also stood apart from the major cult cities directly to the north, it is because of the growth as an agglomeration of existing palaces with additions spilling over the earlier city walls. Colorful bricks and peaceful floral patter have been used in the palace. After this giant palace the taxes become suffering for the people and also the war with Babylon forced them to create city of Persepolis. Persepolis is surrounded by the defensive walls. The city included a gate house and a fire temple for religious rituals.

Second Hypostyle hall the hall of 100 columns, used them thinner than the Greek constructions. Density of the columns and decorated capitals created rhythm amid the great emptiness of the space. It is based on the idea of the load of the rooms spread through the exterior columns but support with the interior columns.

The next part of the article is about Pan-Hellenic cult sites.Like in Delphi and Olympia there are city states which have independent but of course common religion. All religious symbols shown individualistic. In Delphi rules consulted there before decisions winding path lined with small temples to the temple situated for obliquely seen experience. In this period there is a dialogue between the architecture and the nature that’s why architects give importance to the visual connection. In this Hellenistic age material of wood converted to stone. And they continued to build Greek temples with steep roof and two column. Wrapping both the exterior and interior spaces with columns is a approach which is going to be perfect later.

Greek temples are also very colorful in these days. Refinements started to be considered as a new degree of artistry, gently arched the ground plane towards center because straight seem to deflect from a distance expressing the load bearing structure. Rise of the ‘stylobate’ and ‘entasis’ of columns easily detected.


Ancient Greek architecture it the Source of classism. Architecture includes proportional composition and repertoire of decoration which have sculpted columns, entablatures and pediments. Unlike the other cultures Greeks has been revived the styles by variety of cultures. City states (polis) designed with this new architectural perception because in Greek system there was a democratic atmosphere like public debates. According to this they created spaces for dialogue like the agora the stoa, senato house, theater, even the Greek temple. Alexander the great support Greek way and used the Greek classism to unite the rest of the world with Helen culture.Greek city states matured during the 6th BCE, They were not build to the direct ruler of the empires like palaces, tombs etc. for the Egypt Assyria or Persian kings, Greeks reached the top level of the democracy and they built meeting areas for citizens. The name of Polis came from The Politics.

Synoikismos means living together and the polises have been created according to this opinion. There were lots of different indipented polises like Olympai,Delphi,sparta etc because of the lack of strict rules, but the greek polises were able to act together in emergencies like Persian attacks. This colonization spread Sicily,Italy and the coast side of Turkey. Union of Synoikismos called Acropolis which spread casually outward along radial paths. Acrapolis serve to the Mycenaean princes and political focus shifted away from the Acropolis as the Aristotale said; acropolis is the level ground of democracy.

Agora is the undetermined space in the city to gather people this situation is quite different from other empires because in other cultures people usually gather in front of the palace.It slope up gently in one direction of the acropolis and while bounded by stone markers or ‘horoi’ did not have a set shape. Open spaces of the greeks proved more interactive than the cult space of Babylon.

The major streets of Athens crossed the agora which is the house of religious ceremonies, athletic organizations,theatre and market functions. The new urban plan used for Agora. Expansion set three different sized grids occurs this urban plan and between the grids there were natural changes in topography.

In Greek theatres there is a Circular play space served for their performances and also curved shape seats for audiences and these part has cooperation with the landscape.

In the houses of Olynthus is different than the houses of the Priene. All houses are the same to give the sense of equality in Priene but hierarchy used in houses too like every part of the life in Olynthus. In this period rebuilding of Athens because of the war is important, Pericles proposed construction of buildings with public works.First reconstructions began with Port of Piraeus ( it is very effective and useful for economy and military), in this reconstruction process plans used.

The most crucial architectural projects in time;

Repositioning of the Propylaia, new temple of victory, Athena Nile, Directly to the south; rebuildings of the Parthenon and store etc.1272

6 columns shaped Propylaia but there are lots of interesting approach for that time. The area between the 2 central colons divided into 3 different from the familiar 2 parts. Designing something that is unusual is considered as a signature of the architect to show his importance for that days.


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