Etruscans are actually blend of the Greek and Italian culture, there are some architectural structures and elements that Etruscans use like they built massive defensive walls as we see in the bronze age, also  they used arch and vault too. But then Romans conquer the Etruscans and a knowledge accumulation began to affect another culture as always.

Romans developed their temple architecture by repeated Etruscan frontal orientation besides Romans took the arches and vaults directly from the Etruscan architects who are very significant for their time.

In that time maybe the one of the most one of the heated discussions is between senate and the lower clusters of the public. Chosen 4 hills of the 7 hills bounded the Roma Forum and with this adaptation, forum took shape of the valley. In previous article we read that the Agora is the place where people gather and discuss, Roma forum has the same purpose but in architectural manner Roma Forum has denser column use to give the sense of closeness so it means that to create enclosures.  We also see the form of the planning in Romans that we have seen in Greece before, Romans learned and used the orthogonal urban design from Greek colonies (right angled surveying technique).If the topography that was not previously used was chosen as an area where construction will begin, romans placed their cities as cross axis, this is a tradition comes from their religion. We see this design plan very often, and then it reveals the shape of the grid some parts like military camp etc. place in this strict grid.


 The oldest known basilica of the Roman Empire is The Basilica of Pompeii. The basilica of Pompeii is dated at the end of the second century B.C.  From the middle of the stairs rose a line of four columns to carry the roof.
The building’s main hall is surrounded by a corridor and it is composed of a long columnar nave. The existence of continuous windows on the upper walls proved with the understanding of the powerful thrust of the columns of the nave.


 In this period Romans used the heating system under the ground first time and it supply some advantages like blocking the bad smell and smoke when we compare this new system with the older system. These baths gain importance in Roman daily life because they used as a cultural centers and social areas. After a while they used terra-cotta pipes as a new heating system. There are small baths which roman calls Balnae but of course there are some great baths like Diocletain and Caracall. Diocletain was an illustration to Roman vaulted style architecture. With transporting the hot water they heated the ground and they used these developed systems. According to the information about Roman decoration I can easily say that ıt was inevitable to give the importance to the beauty because they were already well developed in construction. They covered walls with narrative scenes and mythological figures.


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