Architecture is in our lives much longer than you think. At the first night of his creation, human beings felt that they need dwelling at somewhere. It was the one of the first instincts of human. Over time, they began to shape the shelter. Architectural materials which used that time were stone and mud, these materials gained a quality that supports the survival activity of people. The most proper sentence that summarizes all this period is ; ‘ There were architecture before the architects.’

When geography and climate change have started to affect the living standards of humans, architecture has started to change and improve itself. Fire symbolized as bringing people together. They set up the fire and it defines a social area for everyone in that shelter. People who observe animals and feel their differences began to treat them as symbols in their living spaces.This condition also the same in their goddess figure who has a strong fertility.

4-Prehistoric Cave Paintings from Lascaux, France, at least 15,000 years old

When we consider of all these events in human life, in my opinion the most strict and crucial change in architecture come with long-term climate change.People who can leave their caves for a long time with the end of the ice age have started to learn different types of materials like wood and then they met with agriculture too. Hunter (nomadics) used lighter materials as they adopt a more active life but people who chose settled life have started to build more solid structures with using more heavy materials as their earthquake experiences taught them.Vernacular architecture comprehends the traditions of the building passed down from generation to generation. For the people who are in settled lifestyle unbaked mud was not a satisfactory element because it was not strudy material. Was it easy for them to build more resistant constructions ? Architecture struggled with gravity and still it does. People used wood and easy shaped stone to get over the disadvantages of gravity. They made the basement blocks/walls twice as thick than the top part elements of the structure. They created post,beam or corbelled arch and etc. to support the structure and divide the load distribution equally.

